Application Library


The built-in application are summarised below but because these apps are treated as examples they are described in detail as part of the Wasp-os Reference Manual:

Watch faces

Fibonacci clock

The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers created by the Italian mathematician Fibonacci in the 13th century. This is a sequence starting with 1 and 1, where each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. For the clock I used the first 5 terms: 1, 1, 2, 3 and 5.


Screenshot of the fibonacci clock application

The screen of the clock is made up of five squares whose side lengths match the first five Fibonacci numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3 and 5. The hours are displayed using red and the minutes using green. When a square is used to display both the hours and minutes it turns blue. White squares are ignored.

To tell time on the Fibonacci clock you need to do some calculations. To read the hour, simply add up the corresponding values of the red and blue squares. To read the minutes, do the same with the green and blue squares. The minutes are displayed in 5 minute increments (0 to 12) so you have to multiply your result by 5 to get the actual number.

This app is enabled by default in the simulator. The app is also frozen into the firmware image but it is disabled by default in order to keep RAM available for user developed applications. It can be enabled by modifying


Conway’s Game of Life

The Game of Life is a “no player game” played on a two dimensional grid where the rules interact to make interesting patterns.


Screenshot of the Game of Life application

The game is based on four simple rules:

  1. Death by isolation: a cell dies if has fewer than two live neighbours.
  2. Death by overcrowding: a cell dies if it has more than three live neighbours.
  3. Survival: a living cell continues to survive if it has two or three neighbours.
  4. Reproduction: a dead cell comes alive if it has exactly three neighbours.

On 11 April 2020 John H. Conway who, among many, many other achievements, devised the rule set for his Game of Life, died of complications from a COVID-19 infection.

The Game of Life is the first “toy” program I ever recall seeing on a computer (running in a mid 1980s Apple Macintosh). It sparked something even if “toy” is perhaps an underwhelming description of the Game of Life. Either way it occupies a special place in my childhood. For that, this application is dedicated to Professor Conway.

This app is enabled by default in the simulator. The app is also frozen into the firmware image but it is disabled by default in order to keep RAM available for user developed applications. It can be enabled by modifying


Music Player for GadgetBridge


Screenshot of the Music Player application

Music Player Controller:

  • Touch: play/pause
  • Swipe UPDOWN: Volume down/up
  • Swipe LEFTRIGHT: next/previous

This app is enabled by default in the simulator. The app is also frozen into the firmware image but it is disabled by default in order to keep RAM available for user developed applications. It can be enabled by modifying